As soon as the castle of Etxauzia is purchased and given back to the people, we will realize the project by giving more life and attraction to the valley of Baigorri and the inner part of the Basque Country.


Compared to the power of attraction of the companies near the basque coast, the inner part of the Northern Basque Country needs to reinforce its economic make-up. Etxauzia will be a center to promote the development of the local economy, by partnership building among firms and cooperatives. The network we have begun will have its head office in Etxauzia. We will re-energize solidarity among companies, and boost the local development. We will defend the collective interests and will encourage the use of euskara in the work domain. The firm organization will also be a network of economical structures in the Basque Country.


Etxauzia will be a cultural center that will cooperate with all the cultural centers and already existing structures, it will be a referential to creation and initiatives. The center located in the inner part of the Basque Country will make way for contemporary art, creation and will follow the current events in the culture space. The valley of Baigorri needs a prestigious place to connect the language to the basque culture.


The thousand-year-old catle walls are the witness of our history. They will soon be an interpretation center of our heritage. Through  the history of the Valley of Baigorri and the surrounding valleys, we will explain the history of the Kingdom of Navarre.


Baxenabarre, and the valley of Baigorri in particular, is the area that sufferd most of massive emigration. Etxauzia will be a gathering place for the basques spread throughout the world because diaspora is part of us, too. Baigorri will become the capital of the eighth province and Etxauzia its welcoming place, the mother-home for the basques in the world. Etxauzia will greet, help and host the people coming back to their ancestors’ homeland. It will also be a genealogical research center and safeguard of immaterial heritage.